Thursday, May 15, 2008

School Play!! (YAY)

So we had a school play called "Dracelstein". It was a blast the night that we performed it. I was so amazed at how the actuality of performance took affect on kids when they realized it. Yeah we had a couple of kids drop out of the play so a friend (Chance) and I took their places. I was to play the part of the hideous bride and I had two weeks to learn my lines. Chance on the otherhand only had one week so ya he did carry a script but he rarely used it. I only saw him use it at the end!!! I was so amazed at how well he did. Anyway, we all were able to make it through the night and leave the past in the past and only look towards the future. Another thing that was funny was that earlier chance and I were talking about a message that my dad wanted him to do and he asked me "Is you're dad going to be there?" I replied "Ya, why?" He then told me "Cuz you're dad scares me!" I just had to laugh at that because my dad is the nicest guy anyone will ever meet. So After the play is over I'm talking with my family and my dad starts talking to chance. All I could think about was "Is he scared?"
;-) Kayla

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