Thursday, July 1, 2010

Day of my life.

So I got up today and my little brothers asked me to take them swimming. So I did but while I was getting ready I kept thinking should I swim or should I run? Well final decision came to swimming so we got to the recreation center and the pool was closed for another hour! My brothers decided to play billiards and I went to the tread mill. So in the end I did both running and swimming. After that we came home and cleaned house and then I got ready for work. Clocked in at 5:30 and because we had so many workers tonight I did whatever job I was told to do. That included driving to the Sandy store again for more supplies. Once I got back I worked for about 5 minutes more and then they sent me home. Once I get home my brother asked me to take him to target to get shorts. We get in the car and the drink I had was in my cup-holder. My brother puts his arm on the back of the arm rest and sends my drink flying into the backseat. Well I got it cleaned up so its all good. Now I'm just getting ready for bed so ttfn Ta Ta For Now