Saturday, June 14, 2008

Gone Away From Home

Every year I go to my cabin in Idaho for a while and now I am leaving. I'll be gone for about 2.5 weeks. It's kinda my peaceful haven, I have no worries other than my chores so all I have to do is relax and have Hakuna Matatah (no worries). Also, I go up there to work for my grandparents since they can't do the things they used to.
- Kayla

Thursday, June 5, 2008

The End Of School , The End Of Junior High

Well, It finally happened. What once started out and almost seemed to take forever to get through is now over and gone. Every year has left a great amount of memories for me. I can't wait to go to High School though. The last day of school was the best and the worst for me. The best because schools out but the worst because I won't see most of my friends. I won't have the same teachers, I won't have the same classes. But I've had my fair share of Junior High School and now I'm ready to move on. Summer's here and I'm going to Idaho for the month of June. So when I get back I'm going to spend as much time with my friends as possible in case we don't see each other in the big HS. Another bonus is getting into the football games. One of the things that I can remember this year about Jr. High and one substitute is the saying " Time is the least source in the world. It cannot be contained unless it is maintained." This statement is true in everything it says. If we can't enjoy the time we have with school, friends, family and others around us. We're going to be miserable and we'll always run out of time.